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Want to earn realistic money? Helpful ideas, strategies, and tips to help you succeed.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Earning Realistic Money Onliine

Hello!  I started this blog quite awhile back and got sidetracked with my adventure of finding an online  business I could start and profit from.  I tried a little of this and a lot of that and considered throwing in the towel but didn't.  

I didn't because when I was feeling lost and alone, something happened that made me look up again.  I received a life-changing email from an awesome lady I met when I first started online and she invited me to join her in a venture she was involved in.  Her name is Nancy.

It has turned out to be so much more for me....  I now have the foundation of my business I will eventually broaden on, I have an awesome team I am a part of, I am getting the assistance I need, and I have clear and set goals now.  All I had was an idea prior to that email and I didn't even realize it until now!

I have much to tell you and more to offer but I must get some sleep for now.  I started working on this blog late, so I will be back with a fresh brain and new ideas after I get some sleep.  Please watch this blog closely because I have some excellent sources and other information I will be sharing with you.  

Until my next post, have a nice day!
Carol McCrow
Skype Username: carol.mccrow  

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My name is Carol McCrow and I live in the Pacific Northwest. I work at home both as caregiver to my live-in mom and as an independent affiliate and advertiser online. I enjoy meeting others online that are doing similar work. I have much to accomplish yet and am working hard to keep focused and stay on a positive road toward success. I also have an overwhelming compassion for animals- especially the ones we domesticate and teach to rely on us. It means EVERYTHING to me that our pets get the quality care they deserve and need.